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immunoreagents/Chicken IgY 40nm Gold Conjugate//CONT.CHICK

immunoreagents/Chicken IgY 40nm Gold Conjugate//CONT.CHICK








IVD Conjugates (BA Grade)


To create an independent control line system in your test, CONT.CHICK is perhaps the ideal control line conjugate. This product consists of Chicken IgY antibody conjugated to 40nm gold nanoparticles and should be paired with a goat anti Chicken IgY antibody striped as a control line.
Chicken IgY is not of mammalian origin and is unlikely to cross react in most mammalian test systems. BBI is able to supply both the Chicken IgY gold conjugate and the Goat anti Chicken control line antibody.
Suitable for use in lateral flow devices. It can be utilised in a range of matrices including whole blood, serum, urine, saliva and milk and can be dried down onto glass fibre/lyophilised easily without affecting its activity.
The conjugate is s
ended in a low molarity buffer 2mM disodium tetraborate buffer, pH7.2, containing 0.095% Sodium Azide as preservative. This buffer will maintain the activity of the antibody attached to the surface of the gold colloid, without causing particle aggregation, and can easily be substituted for a customers buffer of choice for their assay.
This product can be purchased online in 5ml volumes at OD10. For larger volumes, please discuss your requirements with our sales team.
Customised concentrations of conjugates to an OD other than OD10 are also available by request.

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