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Ursabioscience/Contrived Tears with Histamine Kit

Ursabioscience/Contrived Tears with Histamine Kit





Ursa BioScience


Contrived Tears with Histamine Kit


Our Contrived Tears with Histamine Kit (artificial tears), features six 1 ml v-shaped vials with differing histamine levels. Our Contrived Tears with Histamine have been developed from > 15 components known to be present in tears, balancing protein, salt and pH alike, in line with accepted tear formulations and histamine levels reported in the peer reviewed literature. Our Contrived Tears with Histamine Kit offers the same tear formulation as our standard tears (osmolarity - 300 mOsms/L), but with varying histamine levels, reflecting both normal subject,? 2 ng/ml histamine,? as well as higher levels of histamine known to be present, 5, 10, 15, 25 and 50 ng/ml during allergic and non-allergic (associated with infection) conjunctivitis. Our Contrived Tears with Histamine are a low cost solution to your diagnostic and research needs and are sold in six 1 ml pre-made volumes of 2, 5, 10, 15, 25 and 50 ng/ml histamine, with a tear osmolarity of 300 mOsms/L salt / protein, at pH 7.4.
All our Contrived Tear Vials should be stored closed at 4 - 8 C and have a shelf life of 4 weeks after opening.
All of Ursa BioSciences’ tear products are contained in specialized glass vials to maintain pH and osmolarity.

上一篇 Ursabioscience/Contrived Tears with Histamine Kit, Amber  下一篇 Invitrogen Q32851 Qubit? dsDNA HS Assay Kit現貨促銷(xiāo)


5206.7 ¥
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