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Trevigen/Cultrex? Bovine Collagen I/3442-005-01/1 ml, 50 mg

Trevigen/Cultrex? Bovine Collagen I/3442-005-01/1 ml, 50 mg






Trevigen, Inc


Extracellular Matrix Proteins


1 ml, 50 mg



Cultrex? Bovine Collagen I?is purified from fetal bovine extensor?tendons?and?is pepsin-treated to remove telopeptides. Collagen I is the major structural component of extracellular matrices (ECM) found in connective tissue and internal organs, but is most prevalent in the dermis, tendons, and bone. It is a 300 kDa molecule composed of two alpha1(I) chains and one alpha2(I) chain that spontaneously forms a triple helix scaffold at a neutral pH and 37°C. This phenomenon can be exploited to promote cell attachment, growth, differentiation, migration, and tissue morphogenesis during development. To provide the most standardized Collagen I, a special process is employed to provide material at a standard concentration of approximately 5 mg/mL.

Cultrex? Bovine Collagen I?is a purified stromal ECM protein?that has been developed, produced and qualified for general cell culture applications.

Quality control specifications:

No bacterial or fungal growth detected after incubation at 37°C for 14 days following
sterility testing guidelines.

Endotoxin concentration ≤ 20 EU/ml by Limulus Amoebocyte Lysate (LAL) assay.

No mycoplasma contamination detected by PCR.

Protein concentration of 5 mg/ml.

Provided in?20 mM Acetic Acid, pH 3.4 – 3.6.

Collagen I forms a gel when diluted to 0.4 mg/ml at neutral pH.

ical activity determined for each lot:

Cell Attachment: Tested for the
lity to promote cell attachment and spre
ng of HT1080 human fibrosarcoma cells.

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Heller, B.A., Ghidinelli, M., Voelkl, J., Einheber, S., Smith, R., Grund, E., Morahan, G., Chandler, D., Kalaydjieva, L., Giancotti, F., King, R.H., Fejes-Toth, A.N., Fejes-Toth, G., Feltri, M.L., Lang, F. and Salzer, J.L.
J. Cell Biol., Mar 2014; 204: 1219 – 1236.

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J. Immunol., Feb 2016; 196: 1558 – 1567.

上一篇 Trevigen/Cultrex? Rat Collagen I/3440-005-01/1 ml, 20 ml  下一篇 Trevigen/Cultrex? Rat Collagen I, Lower Viscosity (3 mg/ml)/3443-003-01/1 ml, 35 ml


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