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Trevigen/Cultrex? Human Fibronectin, PathClear?/3420-001-01/1 mg

Trevigen/Cultrex? Human Fibronectin, PathClear?/3420-001-01/1 mg






Trevigen, Inc


Extracellular Matrix Proteins


1 mg



Cultrex? Human Fibronectin, Pathclear? is purified from human plasma and is Pathclear? certified to be free of common pathogens. Fibronectin is an extracellular matrix protein that is found abundantly in blood and connective tissues. These matrices are associated with the epithelial to mesenchymal transition of metastatic cells–including tumor cells with stem cell-like properties. Fibronectin performs essential functions in collagen fibrillogenesis, as either a general cell adhesion molecule or a modulator in binding between cell surfaces and the extracellular matrix. Fibronectin matrix assembly is essential for normal vertebrate development and apparently contributes to the generation of tumor metastases by supporting the establishment and persistence of pre-metastatic niches. Fibronectin is secreted as a disulfide-linked dimer of 230-270 kDa, comprised of three types of repeating modules that mediate interactions with extracellular matrix components (including fibronectin itself), and cells via integrins and other fibronectin receptors. Thus, fibronectin can be used for coating tissue culture surfaces or as a medium additive to promote cell adhesion and proliferation; it is 0.2 μm sterile filtered.

Cultrex? Human Fibronectin, Pathclear? is a purified plasma extracellular matrix?protein that has been developed, produced and qualified specifically?for cell culture studies where the presence of pathogens may cause concern.

Quality control specifications:

PathClear? – tested negative for eight human pathogenic viruses including Hepatitis A, B and C, HIV 1 and 2, Hantaan, Seoul, and Sin Nombre by PCR.

No bacterial or fungal growth detected after incubation at 37°C for 14 days following
sterility testing guidelines.

Endotoxin concentration ≤ 20 EU/ml by Limulus Amoebocyte Lysate (LAL) assay.

Protein concentration of 1 mg/ml.

No mycoplasma contamination detected by PCR.

Provided in 100 mM CAPS, 150 mM NaCl, 1 mM CaCI2, pH 11.5.

Purity?≥90% (SDS-PAGE).

ical activity determined for each lot:

Cell Attachment: Tested for the
lity to promote cell attachment and spre
ng of HT1080 human fibrosarcoma cells.

Safety Statement:

Although Cultrex? Human Fibronectin, PathClear? has been tested for the viruses above it contains human source material and therefore should be treated as potentially infectious and handled at the
ical Safety Level 2 to minimize exposure.


Distinct Fc{gamma} Receptors Mediate the Effect of Serum Amyloid P on Neutrophil Adhesion and Fibrocyte Differentiation
Nehemiah Cox, Darrell Pilling, and Richard H. Gomer
J. Immunol., Aug 2014; 193: 1701 – 1708.

上一篇 Trevigen/Cultrex? Antibiotic-Free Mouse Laminin I, PathClear?/3401-010-02/1 mg  下一篇 Trevigen/Cultrex? Human Vitronectin, PathClear?/3421-001-01/50 μg


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