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Illumina/SureCell? Whole Transcriptome Analysis 3' Library Prep Kit (2 Cartridges Kit)/20014279/1 Ea

Illumina/SureCell? Whole Transcriptome Analysis 3' Library Prep Kit (2 Cartridges Kit)/20014279/1 Ea






Illumina, Inc.


Library Preparation Kits


Product Highlights:

? SureCell? Whole Transcriptome Analysis (WTA) 3’ Kit provides a validated process for single-cell RNA sequencing.

Sensitive and unbiased characterization of transcriptional signatures
– Highly sensitive and reproduc
e gene detection in varied individual cells

Comprehensive single-cell RNA sequencing workflow
– Fully supported workflow developed in collaboration by technology innovators

Powerful next-generation sequencing integrated with simple data analysis
– Proven
sequencing combined with streamlined, user-friendly analysis software

Single cells are individually partitioned into subnanoliter droplets on a disposable cartridge on the one-touch ddSEQ? Single-Cell Isolator. The cartridge can accommodate multiple samples, and multiple cartridges can be processed in parallel to isolate thousands of cells in a matter of minutes.

Cell lysis and cell barcoding occur inside individual droplets, and single-cell-barcoded RNA-Seq libraries are subsequently prepared using Nextera technology.

Data Analysis

Conduct data analysis via BaseSpace Sequence Hub, the
cloud-based genomics computing environment.

Species Details

This kit has been validated for human and mouse samples. The BaseSpace Single-Cell RNA-Seq App supports analysis of human, mouse, rat, zebrafish, C. elegans, and Drosophila samples.
System Compatibility
NextSeq 550,HiSeq 2000,HiSeq 3000,HiSeq 1000,HiSeq 1500,NextSeq 500,HiSeq 2500,NovaSeq 6000,HiSeq 4000
Species Category
Content Specifications
Captures the coding transcriptome (3u0027 enriched), with strand-specific information
Whole-Transcriptome Sequencing,mRNA Sequencing
Specialized Sample Types
Single Cells
Unbiased, Cell-Size Agnostic RNA-Seq:
Mouse cell lines (A20, NIH3T3) and human cell lines (HEK, BJ) were processed using the SureCell WTA 3′Library Prep Kit. Consistently high numbers of detected genes demonstrates that recovery of transcripts is not limited by cell size.
Confident Single-Cell Transcript Identification:
A. BaseSpace-generated plots of the number of unique molecular identifiers (UMI), i.e. transcripts, assigned to the mouse/mm10 (red) and human/hg19 (blue) genomes for each cell barcode. Unique transcripts mapping to both mouse and human (purple) represent cell doublets. B. Cumulated fraction of unique transcripts assigned to cell barcodes (linear scale). The inflection point (red line) determines the number of barcoded cells detected in the sequencing run.
Confident Cell Population Identification:
A. PCA clustering of 1384 single cells sorted from a 1:1 ratio mixture of HEK 293 and NIH 3T3 cells, sequenced and analyzed with the Single-Cell RNA-Seq BaseSpace App. B. Cell populations cluster based on expression of the human (hg19) RPL13 gene.
Confident Cell Subpopulation Identification:
A. Analysis in the Single-Cell RNA-Seq BaseSpace App using the t-SNE algorithm of a mixture of NIH 3T3 and HEK 293 cells identifies a distinct subpopulation of cells. B. Cells color coded by gene expression of hg19 RPL 13 confirms the identity of the subpopulation as human.
Cell Cycle Analysis of Single Cells by RNA-Seq:
Analysis of cell cycle state using the Single-Cell RNA-Seq BaseSpace App is based on unique transcript counts of genes associated with each phase of the cell cycle, normalized by the total count for each cell. Expression is centered by the median and scaled by the median absolute deviation for each cell cycle.

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