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Illumina/TruSeq DNA Methylation Kit (12 reactions)/EGMK81312/1 Ea

Illumina/TruSeq DNA Methylation Kit (12 reactions)/EGMK81312/1 Ea






Illumina, Inc.


Library Preparation Kits


Product Highlights:

Unlock small samples (50–100 ng DNA input)

CpG, CHH, & CHG regions included for comprehensive, whole-genome results

Fast protocol – five-hour method

Capture full sample diversity

Sequence the entire sample–no loss of information

The process of bisulfite treatment denatures genomic DNA into single stranded DNA. TruSeq DNA Methylation converts single stranded DNA into an
sequencing library. All ssDNA fragments are captured into an
sequencing library, therefore eliminating the loss of diversity associated with other methods.

Supported analysis in the cloud

TruSeq DNA Methylation libraries can be aligned to the human genome and compared for differential methylation with
BaseSpace Apps MethylSeq and MethylKit. These applications are fully supported and were developed specifically for TruSeq DNA Methylation library preparation.

Example data sets for TruSeq DNA Methylation libraries, also available in BaseSpace Sequence Hub Data Central (use the “Methyl Seq” category filter), demonstrate unparalleled quality and seamless analysis.

Deep coverage of critical genomic regions

Depth of coverage is enhanced in genomic areas with
ical utility. TruSeq DNA Methylation captures full sample diversity of critical areas, including:

Coding region start and end for exons from the canonical transcript of protein coding genes for genes known to be involved in cancer, taken from SOMA and CRUK panels (as well as literature-derived cancer genes)

Genes defined by the American College of Medical Genetics as being medically relevant (ACMG genes)

Exonic coding regions from Ensemble 70

List of 100 promoters defined by the Broad Institute as being of high interest and difficult to sequence

上一篇 Molecular Innovations/PyFi High Fidelity DNA Polymerase/PYFI/200-units  下一篇 Minerva-biolabs/MB Taq Polymerase/53-1050/1 Unit/μl 50 Units


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